11 Strategies to Supercharge Your BFCM Sales in Australia
October 20, 2023
October 20, 2023
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It’s almost time for the biggest event of the year – and no, we’re not talking about the AFL Grand Final. 

Black Friday and Cyber Monday, also known as BFCM, have surged in popularity to become critical dates on Australia's retail calendar. 

A staggering 33% of Aussies are eagerly saving up for this shopping bonanza. 

So, e-commerce brands: are you poised to woo them?

Setting up for BFCM can feel like an impossible task, but we’re here with 11 strategies to turn those website visitors into customers.

Shoppers love a deal

For Black Friday, Australians don't merely walk into the shopping arena; they charge. Data from Deloitte echoes this sentiment, revealing 81% of consumers anticipate delightful deals to influence their festive splurge.

Here is what's topping their wishlist:

  • Price cuts: 74%
  • No-cost shipping: 72%
  • BOGO offers: 39%
  • Cashback bonanza: 29%

Let’s talk teasers

Unleash the power of anticipation. Play hard to get with snippets of what's brewing – be it dazzling discounts, new product launches, or special bundles. Pepper these across your social channels and email newsletters, and see the buzz build.

Exclusive VIP gateways

Roll out the red carpet for your subscribers. Offer them a sneak peek or early access, perhaps with an extra layer of discounts or first dibs at new collections. Craft an engaging email, drive them to an "Early Bird" landing page, and watch as they mark their calendars.

A gift? How thoughtful!

Nudge your average order value up by offering a thoughtful “Gift with Purchase” at certain spending milestones. It’s a win-win situation.

Lead the BFCM pack

Why wait for Black Friday? Kickstart your sales early. With research indicating a significant chunk of shoppers regretting not starting their shopping spree sooner, it's wise to catch them when their enthusiasm is at its peak.

Keep it classic

Let's go back to basics. Direct discounts, especially on bestsellers, can be a magnet. Highlight varying discount slabs, curate daily deals, or even tiered savings based on cart value. And remember, the majority of Aussie shoppers will be scouring online, so your digital storefront better shine.

Create ride-or-die customers

If you run a loyalty program, BFCM is your golden hour. Amp up your rewards or introduce limited-time bonus points. No loyalty program yet? Now might be the opportune moment to debut one.

Gamification in pop-ups

Turn the often-ignored pop-ups into an interactive playground. Introduce mini-games, like “Spin to Win”, teasing exclusive BFCM codes. This approach doesn't just boost engagement, but also gives your CRM efforts a boost.

All about bundles

Encourage exploration by bundling complementary products, perhaps even spotlighting lesser-known items in your catalogue. These bundles can convey immense value and elevate average cart sizes.

Feel the FOMO

Inject a sense of urgency with limited-stock banners, flash sales, or countdown timers. As the clock ticks down or stock numbers dwindle, customers will be more inclined to swiftly hit that “Checkout” button.

Seal the deal

Sweeten the transaction with a free shipping offer. Unfortunately for businesses, many customers expect free shipping as a bare minimum these days. The good news? You can drastically lower cart abandonments and increase average order value by offering free shipping above a certain amount.

Our final thoughts

BFCM in Australia isn’t just another sale; it’s a festival, an event, a tradition in the making. With the potential to significantly amplify your yearly sales, your promotional strategy needs precision, flair, and perhaps just a touch of genius.

Looking to take your business from zero to hero? Now is your chance. Send us an email to learn what Picos can do for you.

Want to dive deeper for yourself? Download our free BCFM ebook for even more tips, tricks, and insights.


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