Firstly, let’s set the record straight just so we’re all on the same page.
As much as we all wish we were in the middle of a mosh pit at a music festival right now *untz untz*, when we say EDM, we’re not referring to Electronic Dance Music. We’re talking about Electronic Direct Mail, which we know is less exciting, but is the correct term in the world of digital marketing.
EDMs have thus far proven to be one of the most useful marketing tools out there for businesses. They’re an easy way to share updates, new product launches and any upcoming or current sales with your audience.
There is, however, a downside when sending out EDMs. With other businesses utilising them every single day, it’s easy for yours to get overlooked and lost in a sea of emails. Many people nowadays choose to simply just ignore what they perceive as spam, meaning many recipients won’t see the information you’re trying to relay to them.
So, the question is, how do you get potential customers to open your message and read what’s inside? Let’s explain how your emails can thrive.

Shine Bright Like A Diamond
Your subject line is the first thing your audience will see.This is where they decide whether they’re going to open the email, delete it, or potentially even report it as spam, so it’s crucial you get it right. It needs to be short, sharp and straight to the point. No one has the time or desire to read anything they don’t need to read. A good EDM will create curiosity and/or excitement within the recipient. Offer a solution, describe a benefit or ask an enticing question - these are just a few ways you could grab your audience’s attention.
Don’t Beat Around The Bush
Your CTA (Call To Action) is probably on par with the most important aspect of your EDM. This could come in the form of a button that leads you somewhere or a phone number that you call. You need to be clear with what action you want your audience to take.They need to be told what to do and it needs to be a quick process. If they need to think about what to do, they’re not going to do it. We know it can be tempting to place numerous CTAs in different parts of your email in the hopes that someone will click at least one, but we highly advise you don’t. Your call to action needs to stand out and it’s your job to make the conversion process easy and quick. It’s as simple as that.
Think About Your Timing
It's crucial to think about when your audience is online. Let’s use e-commerce clothing stores as an example. Think ASOS or Iconic. They tend to send their EDMs out when payday is nearing, when the weekend is close or when certain events occur. Take the current situation of lockdown 4.0 in Melbourne. Plenty of EDMs have been sent out offering Melbourne residents free shipping. And we bet most people have hopped on that train. Why? Because we’re all at home, with nothing to do. Plus, who doesn’t love free shipping? It’ll vary with each industry, but it’s crucial to make sure your emails have a higher chance of being opened. It’s not a great feeling knowing that those EDMs you worked so hard on won’t even see the light of day.
Keep Your Screen Time Short And Your Copy Shorter
No one wants to sit there and read blobs of massive text. No one. If you have a lot of wording in your emails, then you’re doing it wrong. Emails with long text will just kill your audience’s interest. Try and get your main message across in the least amount of words, and get right to the point.
Keep these three tips in mind:
- Stray away from big paragraphs. Huge slabs of text will send your viewers running for the hills. Break up your text so there’s plenty of white space in between. It helps guide the reader down and allows them to feel less overwhelmed.
- Use words like ‘you’ and ‘your’. This simple yet effective tactic grabs the reader’s attention because it’s aimed at them.
- Use bullet points. They help the reader organise the message in their mind and make it clear.
Be Present, But Not Too Present
Let’s quickly think about this: Could you potentially be irritating your audience?
No one likes getting bombarded with too many emails. While most of us choose to subscribe to mailing lists for a certain purpose, it becomes hard to resist the urge to unsubscribe when the emails start flooding through. Rather than being irritating, try to be purposeful. Make sure your audience knows you’re there, but don’t give them the ick.

Before sending out an email, think about the goal in mind. What outcome do you want from the EDM? Do you want your audience to purchase a product? Do you want them to visit your website? Maybe you’re trying to boost brand awareness? They’re all valid and achievable goals, but make sure you’re playing it cool. You don’t want to scare your people away.
If you’re needing a helping hand with an EDM strategy, we’d be more than happy to help guide you. We’ve got a team of designers and copywriters that are ready to roll their sleeves up, increase your open rate and take your (sorry to say it) average EDMs to the next level. Come and see for yourself, our front door is always wide open! Seriously, when we’re in the office it’s always open.