Culinary Elegance, Elevated with St Clair

Brand Photography

Picos Media helped facilitate the debut of St Clair Artisan by conducting a professional photoshoot, capturing the unique quality and appeal of their artisanal crackers. This project involved producing high-quality images aimed at enhancing the product presentation both online and in physical stores. The focused effort in photography helped to introduce St Clair’s premium crackers to the market, aiming to attract consumers interested in gourmet experiences.



Photography and post-production

Creative partnership

St Clair

St Clair crafts premium, artisanal crackers with unique flavours and textures, ideal for cheese pairings. This Australian brand leverages over 30 years of expertise and local ingredients to produce high-quality crackers.


The problem

As a new brand in a market saturated with conventional offerings, St Clair needed to distinguish its artisanal crackers from the commonplace. The challenge was to introduce and position these premium crackers as not just snacks, but essential partners to refined culinary experiences.

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The Solution

Our strategy was twofold:

A Singular Vision Through Photography: We arranged an exclusive photoshoot to capture the unique textures and premium nature of ST CLAIR’s crackers, ensuring each image reflected the artisanal quality and craftsmanship.

Versatile Content for Diverse Platforms: To balance the in-store presence with digital engagement, we created a versatile suite of content. This imagery is now utilised for striking in-store displays, captivating print materials for supermarkets, and dynamic digital content for Meta ads and social media platforms.

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The Result

The launch of St Clair Artisan garnered significant enthusiasm, successfully attracting consumers to its premium aesthetic both online and in-store. Our strategic content approach boosted the brand's visibility, enticing shoppers to explore and indulge in new flavour pairings. Through our campaign, we reinforced St Clair's commitment to quality and culinary excellence, making it a celebrated addition to any gourmet selection.

At Picos Media, we don't just create campaigns; we craft sensory invitations that enhance consumer engagement and elevate brand perception, turning everyday encounters into a showcase of sophistication and taste.

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